[netcdf-porting] snprintf problematic with MS compilers

NOTE: The netcdf-porting mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

The ncdump code in netcdf 4.1.1 uses snprintf, which - for windows - seems
not to be standards faithful at least, and may be utterly busted at worst.
In any case, my windows build of netcdf 4.1.1 is working right other than
in this regard.  I wonder if this function was really needed?

In any event - use of this function in the code base should probably be
reconsidered.  Unix->Windows porting doesn't need more land mines...


James R. Mason                          Exa Corporation
Principal Software Engineer             55 Network Drive
                                        Burlington MA 01803

Voice: (781) 564-0288                   E-mail: jrm@xxxxxxx

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