Re: [netcdf-porting] Failing test to open non-netcdf file

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On 13-09-2011 17:55, Russ Rew wrote:

Does the file that is being opened exist?
Good guess.
No the file does not exist but note that we are talking of test
program -- "nc_test" --  that ships with the with netcdf package.
The line in question has

err =3D nc_open("nc_test.o", NC_NOWRITE,&ncid);/* should fail */

If I create a dummy "nc_test.o" file than the tests pass.
Yes, this is a non-portable test that should be eliminated or changed.
To trigger the error, the test needed the name of a non-netCDF file, and
used "nc_test.o" because it existed in the same directory on the Unix
systems on which the test was developed.  I suspect there is no file
that we can assume will exist on all platforms to use in this test, so
the test should either create such a file or we should eliminate the
test.  It's not a particularly important test, so to get past it you
could just comment it out.

I'll fix it soon:

Thanks for reporting this.



It's no problem that it fails now that we know that it's harmless. I investigated this to find if it had any relation with the crash that I mentioned before. More about it in next mail.


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