MSDOS int problem

We have discovered that on a 16 bit MS-DOS machine we
cannot access data beyond the 32,768th element in any
given dimension.  This is because the netcdf routine
ncvarget, the corners are declared as "int", which on 
a 16 bit machine, are 16 bits. 

 It appears that what is needed is to write a new routine
for 16 bit platforms called ncvargetl (or something) that
uses long integers instead of ints.   Has anybody confronted
this problem?  

We cannot simply use a 32-bit 386 machine, because we are 
creating a CD-ROM that neads to work on campuses and high
schools around the country.  From my inquiries, it seems that
no compiler for 16 bit machines has the option of intepreting
ints as longs.

Rich Signell               |   rsignell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
U.S. Geological Survey     |   (508) 548-8700
Quissett Campus            |   "You need a license to dig clams...
Woods Hole, MA  02543      |      ... but anybody can have kids."

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