Patches for netCDF 2.0 beta release


This is a patch for the 10 October 1991 beta distribution of the Unidata
netCDF version 2.0 package.  A version incorporating these patches is
available for anonymous FTP in pub/netcdf-2.0-beta.tar.Z on

These patches accomplish the following:


    Ncdump is fixed so it won't attempt to free memory that was never

    For MSDOS, ncdump was fixed (again!) to correctly handle dimensions too
    large for a 16-bit integer.

    For MSDOS, the ncdump Makefile was cleared of some extraneous


    For MSDOS, the INSTALL procedure of manually copying files from the
    fortran/msoft directory to the parent directory before building the
    Fortran interface has been incorporated in the Makefile

This patch-file is designed to be applied from the top-level netcdf
*source* directory via Larry Wall's patch(1) utility, e.g.

        % cd /usr/local/src/netcdf
        % patch -p1 < this_file

The "-p1" option is necessary.

In addition to these patches, the file netcdf/fortran/msoft/ should
be moved up one level in the directory structure to netcdf/fortran/

Thanks to Rich Signell for helping to identify problems addressed by these
patches in the original beta distribution.  Please report additional
problems to support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


diff -rc netcdf-2.0-beta/INSTALL netcdf-2.0/INSTALL
*** netcdf-2.0-beta/INSTALL     Wed Oct  9 15:41:20 1991
--- netcdf-2.0/INSTALL  Wed Oct 16 10:01:56 1991
*** 8,18 ****
  src, nctest, util, fortran/vms, ncdump, ncgen.
  For installation on a PCDOS, MSDOS or OS/2 system, use the files in
! each source directory in the following order:  xdr, src, nctest, util,
! fortran/msoft, ncdump, ncgen.  You may have to delete or rename the
! VMS-specific files if your make utility is called "make".  If you
! are making the Fortran interface, ignore the Fortran error messages about
! VALUE type and length mismatches.
  On a UNIX system:
--- 8,18 ----
  src, nctest, util, fortran/vms, ncdump, ncgen.
  For installation on a PCDOS, MSDOS or OS/2 system, use the files in
! each source directory in the following order: xdr, src, nctest, util,
! fortran, ncdump, ncgen.  You may have to delete or rename the VMS-specific
! files if your make utility is called "make".  If you are making the
! Fortran interface, ignore the Fortran error messages about VALUE type and
! length mismatches.
  On a UNIX system:
diff -rc netcdf-2.0-beta/fortran/msoft/NOTES netcdf-2.0/fortran/msoft/NOTES
*** netcdf-2.0-beta/fortran/msoft/NOTES Wed Oct  9 15:41:59 1991
--- netcdf-2.0/fortran/msoft/NOTES      Wed Oct 16 10:02:35 1991
*** 1,13 ****
  This distribution and Makefiles have been tested on PCDOS 3.3, PCDOS 4.01,
  OS/2 1.2, OS/2 1.3, using Microsoft C 6.0 and Microsoft Fortran 5.0.
! Copy all these files up into the parent directory with
-       cp *.* ..
- before using the makefile in that directory.  Expect and ignore
- Fortran warnings and error messages such as
   ftest.for(110) : warning F4999: NCTLEN : variable declared but not used
   ftest.for(185) : error F3606: NCAGT : formal argument VALUE : type mismatch
--- 1,10 ----
  This distribution and Makefiles have been tested on PCDOS 3.3, PCDOS 4.01,
  OS/2 1.2, OS/2 1.3, using Microsoft C 6.0 and Microsoft Fortran 5.0.
! Using the makefile in the parent of this directory.  It will copy
! the needed files from this directory.  Expect and ignore Fortran warnings
! and error messages such as
   ftest.for(110) : warning F4999: NCTLEN : variable declared but not used
   ftest.for(185) : error F3606: NCAGT : formal argument VALUE : type mismatch
*** 16,19 ****
  fslen.asm is an assembler routine needed to help find the length of
  FORTRAN character*(*) variables from a C routine they are passed into.
--- 13,15 ----
diff -rc netcdf-2.0-beta/ncdump/ netcdf-2.0/ncdump/
*** netcdf-2.0-beta/ncdump/     Wed Oct  9 15:42:08 1991
--- netcdf-2.0/ncdump/  Thu Oct 17 10:05:23 1991
*** 77,83 ****
  # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.
- ncdump.obj:  $(INCLUDE)\stdio.h $(INCLUDE)\string.h $(INCLUDE)\ctype.h
  ncdump.obj:  $(INCDIR1)\netcdf.h
- error.obj:   $(INCLUDE)\stdio.h $(INCLUDE)\varargs.h
  vardata.obj: $(INCDIR1)\netcdf.h
--- 77,81 ----
diff -rc netcdf-2.0-beta/ncdump/ncdump.c netcdf-2.0/ncdump/ncdump.c
*** netcdf-2.0-beta/ncdump/ncdump.c     Wed Oct  9 15:42:05 1991
--- netcdf-2.0/ncdump/ncdump.c  Thu Oct 17 10:05:21 1991
*** 1,7 ****
   *   Copyright 1989, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
   *   See netcdf/README file for copying and redistribution conditions.
!  *   $Header: /usr/local/home/russ/sdmsrc/netcdf/ncdump/RCS/ncdump.c,v 1.19 
1991/09/17 18:04:24 russ Exp $
  #include <stdio.h>
--- 1,7 ----
   *   Copyright 1989, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
   *   See netcdf/README file for copying and redistribution conditions.
!  *   $Header: /usr/local/home/russ/sdmsrc/netcdf/ncdump/RCS/ncdump.c,v 1.20 
1991/10/17 16:01:43 russ Exp $
  #include <stdio.h>
*** 312,318 ****
      int dimid;                        /* dimension id */
      int varid;                        /* variable id */
      struct ncdim dims[MAX_NC_DIMS]; /* dimensions */
!     int vdims[MAX_NC_DIMS];   /* dimension sizes for a single variable */
      struct ncvar var;         /* variable */
      struct ncatt att;         /* attribute */
      int id;                   /* dimension number per variable */
--- 312,318 ----
      int dimid;                        /* dimension id */
      int varid;                        /* variable id */
      struct ncdim dims[MAX_NC_DIMS]; /* dimensions */
!     long vdims[MAX_NC_DIMS];  /* dimension sizes for a single variable */
      struct ncvar var;         /* variable */
      struct ncatt att;         /* attribute */
      int id;                   /* dimension number per variable */
*** 351,357 ****
          Printf ("\t%s = %s ; // (%d currently)\n",dims[dimid].name,
                  "UNLIMITED", dims[dimid].size);
!         Printf ("\t%s = %d ;\n",dims[dimid].name, dims[dimid].size);
      Printf ("\nvariables:\n");
--- 351,357 ----
          Printf ("\t%s = %s ; // (%d currently)\n",dims[dimid].name,
                  "UNLIMITED", dims[dimid].size);
!         Printf ("\t%s = %ld ;\n",dims[dimid].name, dims[dimid].size);
      Printf ("\nvariables:\n");
diff -rc netcdf-2.0-beta/ncdump/vardata.c netcdf-2.0/ncdump/vardata.c
*** netcdf-2.0-beta/ncdump/vardata.c    Wed Oct  9 15:42:07 1991
--- netcdf-2.0/ncdump/vardata.c Thu Oct 17 10:39:16 1991
*** 1,7 ****
   *   Copyright 1989, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
   *   See netcdf/README file for copying and redistribution conditions.
!  *   $Header: /usr/local/home/russ/sdmsrc/netcdf/ncdump/RCS/vardata.c,v 1.16 
1991/10/07 22:37:53 russ Exp $
  #include <stdio.h>
--- 1,7 ----
   *   Copyright 1989, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
   *   See netcdf/README file for copying and redistribution conditions.
!  *   $Header: /home/russ/sdmsrc/netcdf/ncdump/RCS/vardata.c,v 1.18 1991/10/17 
16:37:24 russ Exp $
  #include <stdio.h>
*** 185,191 ****
  vardata(vp, vdims, cdfid, varid)
      struct ncvar *vp;         /* variable */
!     int vdims[];              /* variable dimension sizes */
      int cdfid;                        /* netcdf id */
      int varid;                        /* variable id */
--- 185,191 ----
  vardata(vp, vdims, cdfid, varid)
      struct ncvar *vp;         /* variable */
!     long vdims[];             /* variable dimension sizes */
      int cdfid;                        /* netcdf id */
      int varid;                        /* variable id */
*** 236,243 ****
         * the capacity of MSDOS platforms, for example), we break each row
         * into smaller chunks, if necessary.
!       int corsav = cor[vrank-1];
!       int left = ncols;
        while (left > 0) {
            long toget = left < gulp ? left : gulp;
            edg[vrank-1] = toget;
--- 236,243 ----
         * the capacity of MSDOS platforms, for example), we break each row
         * into smaller chunks, if necessary.
!       long corsav = cor[vrank-1];
!       long left = ncols;
        while (left > 0) {
            long toget = left < gulp ? left : gulp;
            edg[vrank-1] = toget;
*** 259,264 ****
-     free ((char *) vals);
      return 0;
--- 259,263 ----

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