deleting dimensions in netCDF

Question: Is it possible to delete a dimension (and the corresponding data tied 
to this dimension) in a netCDF file?

Why? I need to add on raise several existing dimensions in a netCDF file (e.g.
append more data on the end of the array).  I would like to read in the current
contents of these dimensions, delete the dimensions from the netCDF file, and
create newer ones. Less attractive possibilities are: 

[1] rename the dimensions to something else and create a new dimension with the
old name. 

[2] initially create the dimensions so large they "could never be used" and 
fill them with garbage.

Idea [2] will probably be violated before the code dries. How big is "so 
large"? Idea [1] is interesting, but leaves the possibility of lots of dead 

What have other people done? 
Dr. E. Loren Buhle, Jr.  INTERNET: BUHLE@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine         Phone: 215-662-3084
Rm 440A, 3401 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228   FAX: 215-349-5978

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