HTML or LaTeX version of netCDF docs.

MAVERICK (ATAE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

 > Is there an HTML version of the netCDF documentation ? If there is a LaTeX 
 > version I could convert it to HTML myself. Thanks in advance.

If I remember correctly, the NetCDF docs are in texinfo format. These can,
of course, be processed to Info files. Here is a perl script called infogate
that (very inefficiently) serves up an Info directory to the Web. It can
either be suitably modified to run in batch to generate html for static
docs, or someone with more perl experience than I have can make it use the
info tags stuff properly so it's more efficient. It works fine for small

I got infogate from

Skip (montanaro@xxxxxxxxxx)

    #! /usr/local/bin/perl

    # Gateway between emacs info and www.
    # The original code (most of &info2html) was written by 
    # Eelco van Asperen (evas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx). 

    $multi_threaded = 2;        # Set to 1 if you want to fork children to 
                            # handle requests.
                            # Don't know whether info2html will deal 
                            # properly with resetting its variables,
                            # closing file handles and so on, so it might
                            # be bad to set this to 0.
    $max_children = 2;  # Max children to fork before waiting for 
                            # some to die.
    ### $info_dir = "/usr/local/lib/emacs/info";
    $info_dir = "/home/ausable/software/info";
    $debug = 0;
    ### $port = 85;
    ### $protocol = "$port";;
    $port = 8002;
    $protocol = "http://spyder:$port";;
    $sep = ",";

    require '';
    require 'sys/';

    $options = "";
    $usage = "usage: infogate\n";

    &getopt($options) ||
      die $usage;

    # Create a socket, listen on port NNN, deal with connections...
    $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';

    ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
    $this = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, $port, "\0\0\0\0");

    select(NS); $| = 1; select(stdout);

    socket(S, &PF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
    bind(S, $this) || die "bind: $!";
    listen(S, 5) || die "connect: $!";

    select(S); $| = 1; select(stdout);

    $current_children = 0;

    for (;;) {
    #    print "Listening again\n";
        ($addr = accept(NS,S)) || die $!;
    #    print "accept ok\n";

        $pid = fork() if $multi_threaded;

        if ($pid == 0) {
            ($af,$port,$inetaddr) = unpack($sockaddr,$addr);
            @inetaddr = unpack('C4',$inetaddr);
    #   print "$af $port @inetaddr\n";


            open(STDOUT, ">&NS");
            open(STDERR, ">&NS");

            select(STDERR); $| = 1;       # make unbuffered
            select(STDOUT); $| = 1;       # make unbuffered

            $request = <NS>;
            $request =~ s/[ \t\n\r]+$//;

            print "\"$request\"<p>\n" if $debug;
            &error("expected 'GET docid', got \'$request\'") 
              if $request !~ m/^get /i;

            if ($request =~ m|([^\/$sep]+)$sep([^$sep]*)$|) {
                $name = "$1$sep$2";
            } else {
                @fields = split(/\//, $request);
                $name = $fields[$#fields];


            exit(0) if $multi_threaded;
        } else { # parent
            # increment child counter.  if we have enough max # of children 
            # processes, then wait for one to die and decrement the child 
            # counter. 
            # this is a crock - we really need a non-blocking wait().
            if ($current_children > $max_children) {
                $current_children-- if wait() == -1;

    # @(#)info2html     1.7 92/10/27
    # usage: info2html [-r rootdirectory] [-s subject] filename
    # The filename argument can contain an embedded subject for use
    # with the WWW HTTP daemon; syntax is '/path/filename,subject'.
    # F.e. '/usr/pkg/gnu/info/,checking' will search for
    # subject 'checking' in the file '/usr/pkg/gnu/info/'
    # If no subject argument is present, the subject 'Top' will be located.

    sub info2html {
        local($filename) = @_;

        $matches = 0;
        $blank = 0;
        $prefix = $protocol;                    # prefix for HREF= entries
        $target = "top";

        $rootdir = "/info/";            # top of info directory tree
        $prefix .= "/" if (substr($filename,0,1) ne "/");

        if ($filename =~ /$sep/) {
            $_ = $filename;
            ($path, $file, $target) = /(.+\/)([^\/]+)$sep(.+)$/;
            $prefix .= $rootdir;
            $filename = $path . $file;
        } else {
            $_ = $filename;
            ($path, $file) = /^(.+\/)([^\/]+)$/;
            $prefix .= $rootdir;

        $target =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;

        print "filename: $filename\nprefix: $prefix\npath: $path\nfile: 
$file\ntarget: $target\n" if $debug;

        $nfiles = 0;
        &OpenFile($filename) || return(0);

        $active = 0;
        $seenMenu = 0;
        $indirect = 0;
        $inentry = 0;
        $lastblank = 0;

        for (; $nfiles > 0; ) {

            local($handle) = "FH_$nfiles";
            print "--now reading from $handle--<P>\n" if $debug;
            while (<$handle>) {
                /^[\037\f]/ && do {
                    exit(0) if $active; # we've done our work
                    $active = 0;
                    $seenMenu = 0;
                    $indirect = 0;
                    $inentry = 0 if $inentry;

                next if ($inentry == 0);

                $lastblank = $blank; $blank = 0;
                /^$/ && do {
                    if ($active) {
                        print "\n";
                    } elsif ($menu == 0) {
                    $blank = 1;

                ($inentry == 1) && do  {
                    # top line:
                    # File: info,  Node: Add,  Up: Top,  Previous: Expert,  
Next: Menus 
                    /^tag table:/i && do {
                        # we don't use the tag table
                        $inentry = 0;
                    /^indirect:/i && do {
                        # this entry is a list of filenames to include:
                        # 1131
                        # 49880
                        # 99426

                    # Parse the header line. If one of the fields
                    #   Node: Up: Next: Previous: File:
                    # is found, then a variable 'h_node' is set for
                    # the field 'node:', 'h_next' for 'next:', etc.
                    undef $h_node;
                    undef $h_file;
                    undef $h_next;
                    undef $h_previous;
                    undef $h_up;

                    @F = split(/[,\s]+/);
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#F; ) {
                        $_ = $F[$i];
                        if ( /^node:$/i || /^file:$/i || /^up:$/i
                            || /^previous:$/i || /^prev:$/i || /^next:$/i ) {
                            # make the name of the variable:
                            $v = $_;
                            $v =~ s/://;
                            $v =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
                            $v = "previous" if $v eq "prev";
                            $w = "";
                            # find all words that belong to this field:
                            for ($i++; $i <= $#F; $i++) {
                                $_ = $F[$i];
                                last if ( /^node:$/i || /^file:$/i
                                         || /^up:$/i || /^previous:$/i
                                         || /^prev:$/i || /^next:$/i );
                                $w .= $_ . " ";
                            $w =~ s/\s+$//;             # delete trailing spaces
                            eval "\$h_$v = \$w;";
                        } else {

                    print "--h_node: $h_node--<p>\n" if $debug;
                    $n = 0;

                    if ($h_node =~ m/^$target/i) {
                        $active = 1;
                        print "<TITLE>$h_file -- $h_node</TITLE>\n";
                        if (defined $h_file) {
                            #print "<COMMENT file=$h_file>\n";
                        if (defined $h_up) {
                            print " up: ", &make_anchor($h_up, $h_up), "\n";
                        if (defined $h_previous) {
                            print " previous: ", 
                              &make_anchor($h_previous, $h_previous), "\n";
                        if (defined $h_next) {
                            print " next: ", &make_anchor($h_next, $h_next), 

                    print "<P>\n" if $n;

                ($inentry == 2) && $indirect && do  {
                    # each line of this entry consists of two fields,
                    # a filename and an offset, separated by a colon.
                    # For example:
                    #   texinfo-1: 1077
                    local(@F) = split(/:/);
                    print "#include $F[0]<p>\n" if $debug;
                    # should save: $inentry $indirect
                    $save_inentry[$nfiles] = $inentry;
                    $save_indirect[$nfiles] = $indirect;
                    $inentry = 0;
                    $indirect = 0;
                    &OpenFile($root . $F[0]) || return(0);
                    next FileLoop;

                next if $active == 0;

                if (($end) = /^\*\s+Menu:(.*)$/) {
                    # start of a menu:
                    $seenMenu = 1;
                    print "$end";

                /^\*/ && do {
                    #---- SAMPLE LINES: 
                    # * Sample::.               Sample info.
                    # * Info: (info).   Documentation browsing system.
                    # * Bison: (bison/bison)
                    #           A Parser generator in the same style as yacc.
                    # * Random: (Random) Random    Random Number Generator

                    if ($menu == 0 && $seenMenu) { &EndListing(); &StartMenu(); 

                    # * foo::
                    /^\*\s+([^:]+)::/ && do {
                        $rest_of_line = $';
                        print "<DT>", &make_anchor($1, $1), "<DD>";
                        $rest_of_line =~ s/^[\s\.]+//;
                        print $rest_of_line;

                    # * foo: (bar)beer OR (bar)
                    /^\*\s+([^:]+):\s+\(([^\) \t\n]+)\)([^\t\n\.,]*)/ && do {
                        $rest_of_line = $';
                        print "<DT>", &make_anchor("($2)$3", $1), "<DD>";
                        $rest_of_line =~ s/^[\s\.]+//;
                        print $rest_of_line;

                    # * foo: beer.
                    /^\*\s+([^:]+):\s+([^\t,\n\.]+)/ && do {
                        $rest_of_line = $';
                        print "<DT>", &make_anchor($2, $1), "<DD>";
                        $rest_of_line =~ s/^[\s\.]+//;
                        print $rest_of_line;

                    # no match: ignore silently

                $menu && $lastblank && do {

                $menu && do {

                /\* *note/i && do {
                    # cross reference entry:
                    # "*note nodename::."
                    # "*note Cross-reference-name: nodename."
                    local($n) = 0;
                    while (1) {
                        # *note foo:
                        if (/\* *note\s+([^:\.]+)::/i) {
                            s//@@@NOTE@@@/;     # insert unique (I hope) marker
                            local($ref) = sprintf("%s", 
                                                  &make_anchor($1, $1));

                        # * foo: (bar)beer OR (bar)
                        if (/\* *note\s+([^:]+):\s+\(([^\) 
\t\n]+)\)([^\t\n\.,]*)/i) {
                            s//@@@NOTE@@@/;     # insert unique (I hope) marker
                            local($ref) = sprintf("%s", 
                                                  &make_anchor("($2)$3", $1));

                        # * foo: beer.
                        if (/\* *note\s+([^:]+):\s+([^\t,\n\.]+)/i) {
                            s//@@@NOTE@@@/;     # insert unique (I hope) marker
                            local($ref) = sprintf("%s", 
                                                  &make_anchor($2, $1));

    #           if ($n > 0) {
    #               local($l) = $listing;
    #               &EndListing() if $l;
    #               print "$_\n";
    #               &StartListing() if $l;
    #               next;
    #           }

                print "$_\n";

            # clear status variables;
            $active = 0;
            $seenMenu = 0;
            $indirect = 0;
            $inentry = 0;
            $lastblank = 0;

            print "--end of file $handle--<P>\n" if $debug;
            $inentry = $save_inentry[$nfiles];
            $indirect = $save_indirect[$nfiles];
            print "--inentry: $inentry--indirect: $indirect--<p>\n" if $debug;
        if ($matches == 0) {
            print "Sorry, entry '$target' was not found.\n";


    sub make_anchor {
        local($ref, $label) = @_;
        local($node_file, $node_name);

        # (foo)bar
        if ($ref =~ m/\(([^\)]+)\)\s*([^\t\n,\.]*)/) {
            $node_file = $1;
            $node_name = $2;
        } else {
            $node_file = $file;
            $node_name = $ref;
        $node_name =~ s/[ ]*$//;

        if ($node_name ne "") {
            "<A HREF=\"$prefix$node_file$sep$node_name\">$label</A>";
        } else {
            "<A HREF=\"$prefix$node_file\">$label</A>";

    sub StartMenu {
        print "\n<DL>" if $active;
        $menu = 1;

    sub EndMenu {
        if ($menu) {
            print "</DL>\n" if $active;
            $menu = 0;

    sub StartListing {
        print "<PRE>\n" if $active;

    sub EndListing {
        if ($listing) {
            print "</PRE>\n" if $active;

    sub Usage {
        print STDERR
          "usage: info2html [-r rootdirectory] [-s subject] filename\n";

    sub OpenFile {
        local($filename) = @_;
        local($alternate, $handle);
        local($lower) = $filename;

        $lower =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
        $alternate = $lower . ".info";

        print "--open file: $filename or $alternate\n" if $debug;

        $handle = "FH_$nfiles";
        if ( !open($handle, $filename)
            && !open($handle, $alternate)
            && !open($handle, $path . $filename)
            && !open($handle, $path . $alternate) ) {
    "<P>Could not open file \"$filename\" or \"$alternate\".\n";

                    print "path: $path<p>\n" if $debug;


    sub error {
        local($reason) = @_;

    "<TITLE>Lookup Error</TITLE>
    <H1>Lookup Error</H1>
    Can't retrieve your request - $reason\n";



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