List of user-contributed software


The addition of a new package (David Pierce's ncview) to our collection of
user-contributed software and documentation related to netCDF provides an
opportunity for announcing the availability of the directory
pub/netcdf/contrib/ on  We have maintained this
collection of user-contributed software for some time but have neglected to
announce its existence on the netcdfgroup mailing list.  I've appended a
text version of the document describing the current contents from
pub/netcdf/contrib/README.  If you have a WWW browser such as Mosaic, you
can also access a hypertext version of this catalog from

We're grateful for the generosity of the developers in making this software
available to the netCDF user community.  Other contributions that meet the
criteria in the appended document are welcomed.

Russ Rew                                              UCAR Unidata Program
russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                        P.O. Box 3000
(303)497-8645                                 Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000

   Unidata makes available for anonymous FTP (in the pub/netcdf/contrib/
   directory of a collection of files of freely
   available, user-contributed software and documentation related to the
   netCDF library. Unidata hasn't necessarily tested this software and
   makes it available as is. This catalog of user-contributed software is
   available to World Wide Web clients from or in text
   form via anonymous FTP as the file pub/netcdf/contrib/README from
   Criteria for software or documentation that is appropriate for the
   user-contributed collection:

     * General usefulness to a significant part of the netCDF community
     * Small size
     * Infrequent need for updates
     * Free availability
   Other netCDF-related software packages or utilities that do not meet
   these criteria (for example large freely-available packages or
   commercial software) are listed in or in text
   form via anonymous FTP in the file pub/netcdf/utilities.txt from
   Here is what is currently available:
          Dan Packman's script that will convert "libnetcdf.a" to a
          shared library on AIX (IBM RS6000). Also includes instructions
          for relinking ncdump and ncgen to make them smaller.
          Ken Prada's contribution of compiled libraries for
          MSDOS/Borland platforms, including XDR and netcdf libraries for
          all four memory models.
          Ata Etemadi's utility functions for GNU emacs, cdl-get-file and
          cdl-put-region, that run input through ncdump or run region
          through ncgen.
          David Steven's programs that convert netCDF data into AVS,
          TECPLOT, PVWAVE, SPLUS, and NCAR GRAPHICS formats.
          Barry Schwartz's program to generate a Fortran program to read
          a netCDF file. It opens a specified netCDF file and generates
          the necessary Fortran code to declare the corresponding Fortran
          dimensions and variables and read all the data into the Fortran
   mac/*  Several ports to Apple Macintosh.
          William Spencer's changes recommended to netCDF version 2.3 to
          build the library and programs using Microsoft's C++/7.0
          Chuck Denham's program to concatenate two netCDF files along
          their record dimension. The files must be identical in variable
          names and dimensions. Each variable must have a leftmost
          NC_UNLIMITED record dimension.
          David Pierce's visual browser for netCDF data. Ncview is an X11
          application that displays a 2-dimensional color representation
          of single precision floating point data in a netCDF file. You
          can animate the data in time (making simple movies), flip or
          enlarge the picture, scan through various axes, change
          colormaps, etc.
          Harry Edmon's interfaces to ncvarget and ncvarput that convert
          (optionally packed) data to floating point, handling missing
          data and units conversions.
          Chuck Denham's program to convert a flat ASCII table to a
          netCDF file. The program scans a flat ASCII table for the name
          and most general data type of each column. It then creates and
          populates a netCDF file with the data.

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