netCDF/HDF much slower than netCDF?

I just built HDF/netCDF (the mfhdf directory in HDF3.3r3) and 
ran NCTEST on my DEC Alpha OSF box.  NCTEST completed 
successfully, but took over 3 minutes, while NCTEST from the 
standard Unidata Netcdf (v 2.3.2) took only 2 seconds!!

When I did "ps" during the lengthy NCTEST run with HDF/netCDF,
it reveals that NCTEST is spending nearly all of it's time as
a uninterruptible sleeping process.  

Is this normal behavior for NCTEST with HDF/netCDF?  Has someone
run NCTEST with HDF/netCDF and obtained decent results?


Rich Signell               |  rsignell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
U.S. Geological Survey     |  (508) 457-2229  |  FAX (508) 457-2310
Quissett Campus            |  "What you don't know CAN hurt you,
Woods Hole, MA  02543-1598 |    only you won't know it. "

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