

Currently fillvalues are physically inserted into missing records
(unless I am doing something wrong). This usually means a great
deal of wasted disc space. Is there the possibility to just add
a reference to filled records, and the actual fill value to be used,
instead of physically inserting the fillvalues ? This situation
would be similar to what standard RDMS's such as Oracle and Sybase
do in this respect.

        best regards
                Ata <(|)>.
| Mail          Dr Ata Etemadi, Blackett Laboratory,                          |
|               Space and Atmospheric Physics Group,                          |
|               Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine,        |
| Janet            atae@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  Earn/Bitnet  atae@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  |
| Internet/Arpanet  Span         SPVA::atae             |

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