anyone running netCDF on VAX computers ?


we are trying to install netCDF on VAX and ALPHA computers here
so we can interact more easily across network to other computer types.

installation went ok on SPARC, but problems on VAX and ALPLHA computers.

unidata has neither, so can not help.

Is there someone on this group with either or both of these computers
that has netCDF up and running?

I would like to start a conversation on solving our installation problems.


Darrell Kachilla  -  M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,  Radiation Physics-94,
                     1515 Holcombe Blvd.,   Houston, Tx 77030
                     drk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  PhoneMail (713) 792-0788
                                                FAX       (713) 794-5272

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