compiling netcdf with Borla

      Subject:   compiling netcdf with Borland C++ 4.5

I am trying to compile the netcdf and xdr libraries under 32-bit Windows using
Borland C++ 4.5.  Has anyone had experience doing this? 

I can get xdr.lib and netcdf.lib to compile.  "xdrtest" seems to work fine. 
"cdftest" works fine except that it fails to output the sentence ("The red death
had devastated the country") correctly.  "nctest" gives a lot of errors
(ncendef, ncvarput, ncdiminq all fail). 

Please email me, I'm not sure I'm on the mailing list yet.

Thank you,


Susannah Bloch
Associate Scientist
Infometrix, Inc.
(206) 402-1450

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