NetCDF/XDR on MacOS (compiling and running)

I like to hear from people out there who have successfully compiled and
used the NetCDF library on MacOS platform.

I have down loaded the NetCDFonMac package from the contrib folder of
netcdf ftp site.  I used ThinkC to successfully compiled the netcdf and xdr
libraries after a bit of trouble, but I can not get it to read a valid
sample netcdf file ( from unidata or any 
grd(NetCDF- GMT) file.

More specifically, inside the ncopen routine after confirming the Magic
number of the netcdf file for (down loaded from Unidata), it dies
on reading the attributes(header), 
             "ncopen: "String KOAK ..." length 18788 exceeds 128".

    ------ code included -------
    if( !xdr_NC_array(xdrs, &((*handlep)->attrs))){
                     NCadvise(NC_EXDR, "xdr_cdf:attrs") ;
                    return(FALSE) ;
    ------ code included --------

The behavior is a little different with grd(NetCDF- GMT) files, it 
reads the magic number, dims, attrs, and reads NULL for the 
variables, which in turns means that I can not continue with  the
execution of the program.

Any help on the above problems is really appreciated.    If you 
have successfully used the netcdf/xdr library on MacOS,  just 
drop me a note, so I know that it is possible to get this to work.


                #include <std.disclaimer.h>
Mahdad Parsi            Internet:  mahdad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
System Analyst/Prgmr    Voice Mail:(914)365-8698
Computer Network Admin  Fax:       (914)365-8150
LDEO of Columbia Univ.  US Mail: P.O. Box 1000 Palisades, NY 10964

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