netcdf and netscape webbrowser?

On unix, using netscape, what line should I add to my ~/.mailcap init
file to make netscape (a web browser) run ncdump on the file?

For example, my ~/.mailcap file has the line
    application/postscript; ghostview %s
to indicate that when I click on a PostScript file, it should be sent
to the ghostview display program.

It would be *really* convenient to do this, and might lead to more
sharing of netcdf-format data files.  Right now all the files on the
web tend to be ascii.  It's not a *real* pain working with netcdf
files now (the netscape viewer simply downloads the file, and it's up
to me to view it by running ncdump myself).

... just an idea intended to encourage more folks to use netcdf.  If
somebody is really good at java, well then this is a natural

Dan E. Kelley                   internet:         mailto:Dan.Kelley@xxxxxx
Oceanography Department         phone:                       (902)494-1694
Dalhousie University            fax:                         (902)494-2885
Halifax, NS, CANADA, B3H 4J1    WWW:

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