SWIG and the netCDF library interfaces

With all the discussion about adding the Java interface and with
Rob Managan <managan@xxxxxxxx> mention about a Python interface.
I thought I would bring up the tool SWIG which allows one to take
C (and C++) code and interface with Tcl, Perl, Python, or Guile.
I have not tried it yet but it seems like a very easy way to add
netCDF to these scripting languages.  And it might be extendable
to Java.  More information is available at
It is something to consider.  Below is part of the web page.
   Paul F. Hein   hein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   (970) 491-8531

Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator


SWIG is an easy to use tool that lets you add Tcl, Perl, Python, or Guile to
programs written in C and C++. Normally, this requires you to write special
"wrapper" functions---a process that is both tedious and error-prone. SWIG 
freesyou from this task and allows you to focus on the application at hand 
providing all of the benefits of using an interpreted scripting language 

A brief overview of features

       Supports Tcl, Perl4, Perl5, Python, and Guile-3. 
       Allows you to add C/C++ functions, variables, and constants. 
       Handles almost all C datatypes and pointers. 
       Run-time type checking of pointers. 
       Automatic documentation generation in ASCII, LaTeX, or HTML. 
       Extends common applications including tclsh, wish, and expect. 
       Can be extended to support new target languages. 

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