'valid_min', 'valid_max', and 'valid_range' question

I am currently writing some programs that 'pack' floating point
values into BYTE and SHORT variables, but keep the 'scale_factor'
and 'add_offset' attributes as FLOAT.

My question is about the valid_{min,max,range} attributes...

The NetCDF documentation says that 'valid_min', 'valid_max',
and 'valid_range' should be the same type as the packed variable,
but I'm finding it convenient to make them the same type as the
'scale_factor' and 'add_offset' attributes...

It would seem to me that the appropriate data-type for these
attributes depends on whether one wants to do range-checking
before or after scaling the variables..

How are other NetCDF developers handle this issue ?




Randy Zagar                          E-Mail: zagar@xxxxxxxx
Sr. Scientific Programmer            E-Mail: zagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
College of Marine Studies             Voice: (302) 831-1139
University of Delaware                  FAX: (302) 831-6838
Newark, DE 19716

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