Re: deleting dimensions and variables

> Is there no way to delete a dimension, a variable or a data element from
> a netCDF database?

I don't know whether you have the NCAR Command Language (NCL) which is 
available with NCAR Graphics release 4.1, but the following script would
create a new file and not copy the variables you want to delete.

BTW, the following script won't work with NCL 4.0 since the '$' syntax was added
at release 4.0.1. Also the following script copies all of the variables 
attributes and coordinate variables too.

        variables_to_delete = (/"var1","var2","var3"/)

        in_file = addfile("","r")
        out_file = addfile("","c")

        vnames = getfilevarnames(in_file)
        do i = 0, dimsizes(vnames)-1
                if(.not.any(vnames(i).eq.variables_to_delete)) then
                        out_file->$vnames(i)$ = in_file->$vnames(i)$
                end if
        end do

> -- 
> James Tsai
> jtsai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> W:(202) 404-4821
> Naval Research Lab, Washington DC
> Acoustics Division, Code 7145

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