netCDF usage in Visual Basic

Is there *anybody* out there who has some experience using netCDF files in
Visual Basic programs? I fear I am one of those folks who doesn't have the
time to learn C++, and have no access to Unix machines, but I have a fair
amount od experience using VB. Has anybody ported the netCDF access
libraries into VB, and if so, can you give me any hints about doing it
myself? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!
Mike Harrison


Dr. Michael Harrison

Dept. of Geography and Planning
University of Southern Mississippi
Box 5051
Hattiesburg, MS  39406-5051

(601) 266-4735 (work)
(601) 261-5095 (home)
(601) 266-6219 (fax)



      "the real question is not whether machines can think,
          but whether men can."
                                                     -- B.F. Skinner


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