NCO 1.2.1 is released

The netCDF operators NCO version 1.2.1 are ready. 
Differences with version 1.2 include one new feature and one bugfix.
Get the new version and read the user's guide on

Summary of changes:

1. Operators now perform automatic type conversion of integers to
   doubles before arithmetic. This feature allows ncwa, ncra, and ncea
   to handle averaging of longs, shorts, bytes, and chars in a more 
   satisfactory manner. One immediate benefit is that ncwa no longer
   complains when user's try to apply weights (e.g., gaussian weights) 
   all less than one to the averaging of an integer (e.g., nlons).
   Formerly ncwa would issue a warning, a workaround, and then dump
   core (because weights converted to integers were all zeros). 
   Now that arithmetic is performed in double precision (rather than 
   in the precision of the variable), ncwa handles this situation

2. A bug introduced in NCO 1.2 which broke the -x switch has been fixed

3. Thanks to Henry Butowsky for implementing the type conversion feature
   Thanks to Ethan Davis for improving the build procedure

Charlie Zender zender@xxxxxxx (949) 824-2987/FAX-3256, Department of
Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100
Visiting NCAR CGD CMS July 24--September 22: (303) 497-1616/FAX-1324

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