Re: generating increasing time


>Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 15:58:54 +0200 (CEST)
>From: emanuele.lombardi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: generating increasing time
>Keywords: 200106271357.f5RDvh108703

The above message contained the following:

> Hi to everybody!
> My question is probably simple, but I could'nt get an answer.
> I'm making Fortran routines to allow creation & modification of netcdf
> files. The final user will insert the routines into his/her numerical
> model to store resulting data.
> The problem is concerning the TIME axis. I want to define time as
> follows:
>          double time(time) ;
>        time:units = "days since 1900-1-1" ;
> then I want my user to add time interval to the first time value at each
> iteration of the model so that each resulting time can be saved in the
> time variable.
> I don't know how to manage the addition of a time interval to a given
> time value.  I use UDUNITS, but it man (3) page gives no answer to that
> question. Probably the solution is in using  utCalendar and/or
> utInvCalendar, but I need some clarification.

You might be overthinking the problem.

If the time step of the model is 9 minutes (which is 0.00625 days) then,
given the above unit specification, the time variable should contain the
following values:

    Iteration   Value
        1       0.00625
        2       0.0125
        3       0.01875

Contact me if you have any questions.

Steve Emmerson   <>

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