netcdf libraries


I was passed on a program to read in some binary data and write it out as 
netcdf. However, it references several libraries in the compile command and the 
program itself that do not seem to be part of the current netcdf library. Is 
anyone familiar with these? I think the -lnetcdf is the standard netcdf 
library, but I couldn't find out what the "cdfio_ncep" and "cdfio" libraries 

-lcdfio_ncep -lnetcdf -lcdfio

Thanks for any help.


Sara A. Rauscher
PhD Candidate, Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Project Assistant
Center for Climatic Research
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1139 AOSS Building
1225 W. Dayton St.
Madison WI 53706
(608) 262-8770

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