using NCO commands to create climatologies

Hi all,

We use the NCO commands at CDC to make climatologies of netcdf files (e.g.
monthly longterm means). To do this, we need to run a script that
calculates the climatology of each month separately, creating temporary
files, and then run a NCO command to concatenate these 12 files. Is there
an easier way? If not, does someone know how to tell the NCO developers
that it would be a great idea?

Cathy Smith

  "A round of victory lattes for everyone!!!!"

     #  NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center                          #
     #  U of C Campus Box 216  Boulder, CO 80309-0216                  #
     #  e-mail   cathy.smith@xxxxxxxx web: #
     #  phone (303)497-6263       fax:(303)497-6449                    #

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