Re: Converting GMT files to the netCDF format

Mr. Chad W. Saxon wrote:

hi there everyone. i am new to the list and have an interesting question regarding netCDF. I have two data formats, one in GMT and one in CDF. i have a computer program that uses CDF as a way to read data and visualize it, however the program does not read the GMT format. Is there a simple script or solution to convert the GMT format to CDF? i was thinking there was a GMT command to convert it to CDF format but am uncertain as to what that is. I know there is not much difference between the two, but its enough to cause my program not to run correctly. i hope i have been clear in my problem, and i would appreciate your help. thanks a lot.

By "CDF" do you mean "netCDF" ?

A "GMT file" might be a netCDF file already, as far as I can tell from:

do you know what you have?

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