Announcement: netCDF-Java library version 2.1 (beta).

Announcing the release of the netCDF-Java library version 2.1 (beta).


Important Changes from version 2.0

   * NcML support: The core library supports writing netCDF metadata
     into base NcML.
   * The ucar.nc2.dataset.conv packages extracts coordinate system
     semantics from netCDF files using netCDF Conventions, and can
     write the information to XML using the NcML Coordinate Systems
   * The ucar.nc2.dataset.grid package uses the coordinate system
     information to provide an API for georeferenced gridded variables.
   * The ucar.nc2.dataset package allows you to create virtual netCDF
     datasets, including aggregating individual netCDF files, using the
     NcML Dataset extension.
   * The netCDF-OpenDAP library has been significantly improved to
     allow full access to OpenDAP datasets though an extended netCDF
     API . Most of the OpenDAP data model is also available through the
     normal netCDF API, with user control over how thats done. Caching
     strategies have been added to improve performance.

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