Re: Problem with netcfd library and borland c++ builder 6

Hi Kalyfas,

> I am working with Borlan c++ Builder 6 and WinXp Pro and I want to use
> a C++ NetCDF lib. I had to try to use unidata lib but I don´t know how
> compile it into borland c++. I try with netcdf-3.5.0.ZIP and
> netcdf-3.5.0.win32bin.Zip and all archives in
> pub/netcdf/contrib/borland/ but I can not use it always give linker
> error.

A couple of years ago, Sanford Ballard (Sandia National Laboratories)

  ... a Delphi unit that contains everything a Delphi programmer would
  need (I think!) to use netCDF.

According to Ballard's documentation, all you should need is that file
and netcdf.dll found in



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program

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