netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.8 are ready


The netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.8 are ready. (Homepage) (Homepage "mirror")

Rorik fixed an autotools build problem caused by my over-zealous use
of GCC compile options. This bug has occurred since 2.8.6 whenever
--enable-[optimize/debug]-custom was invoked with GCC.

Solaris cc/CC autotools builds have been broken since ~2.8.6, too.
If anyone would care to send a patch that would be great!


1. Remove -fshort-enums: Make enums as short as possible, ususally
non-int. Do not ever invoke this! This breaks ABI and causes subtle

Feature changes:
1. None

Other user-visible changes:
1. Documented how to do co-variances

User-invisible changes:
1. Fixed a small memory leak, more to follow with valgrind
Charlie Zender, surname@xxxxxxx, (949) 824-2987, Department of Earth 
System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100 

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