awips grid files question


First, I apologize if this is not the appropriate forum for this question.  

My goal is to start with AWIPS netcdf Grid files, and be able to read certain 
data from them into a FORTRAN program.  In particular, I need model forecast 
dew point profiles for certain lat/lons.  I've played around with ncdump, but 
the data within each netcdf file are not organized in a logical way, so I don't 
know exactly which numbers output from a "ncdump -v rh <filename>" I 
need...i.e., which numbers correspond to the particular forecast and lat/lon I 

Is this even possible?  If not, is there software or a decoder which will 
extract this data from an AWIPS netcdf Grid file?


Dan Lindsey, CIRA, Fort Collins, CO

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