netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.2 are ready

The netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.2 are ready. (Homepage) (Homepage "mirror")

This release eradicates some long buried bugs in ncap arithmetic
corner-cases. ncap incorrectly handled division, modulo, and
exponentiation of the form S/V, S%V, and S^V where first operand was
scalar and second was a full variable. Full details are at

Thanks to an alert user for noticing this.
V/V, V%V, V^V, V/S, V%S, V^S, S/S, S%S, and S^S were not buggy.
We recommend that all ncap users upgrade to version 2.9.2.

Solaris autotools problems have been resolved.
NCO builds fine with up-to-date bison's (e.g., version 1.875+).


Feature changes:
1. None

1. ncap division, modulo, and exponentiation of form S/V, S%V, and S^V
   where first operand was scalar and second was full variable is fixed.

Build changes:
1. Ignore broken UDUnits installations (like CGD's) during builds

Other user-visible changes:
1. Print variable names when writes and reads fail in nco_c++

User-invisible changes:
1. None
Charlie Zender, surname@xxxxxxx, (949) 824-2987, Department of Earth 
System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100 

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