SUM: Weird NetCDf problem under XP

I want to thank James Garnett for trying to help with my problem.

What happened strikes me as odd but I guess it is a feature of windows. The application was working despite the NetCDF dll not being on the local machine. This was very disturbing for a number of people in the office. Further investigation lead me to discover that there was a NetCDF dll in the network folder where the data files were being stored. Our code used an open file dialog from the Common Dialog that comes with windows to allow the user to select an input NetCDF file data file. Somehow, when windows couldn't locate the NetCDF dll on the local machine, it looked on the network where the user had selected the input data file from and used that NetCDF dll.

Neat trick!

Thanks everyone!
Matthew Hanna

-------- Original Message --------

Hello Everyone!
I am having a strange problem under WindowsXP involving a netcdf application I have written and I was hoping someone might have an answer for me.

I can't find any NetCDF.DLL file on the computer anywhere yet the program works. I set XP to show all hidden and system files. Nothing. I searched from DOS using dir /s. Nothing. I used a program off the internet that lists all of the DLLs on the computer and searched that list but found nothing. How can this be? The program was written in VB6 with SP6. I used declare statements to include the functionality of a netcdf (v3.5) dll compiled in VC6. It works great! So well in fact that it doesn't even need the NetCDF.DLL anymore!

I just did a complete minimal install of Windows XP on a freshly formatted hard drive and repeated all of the above and the program still works without any NetCDF.DLL. There is no way this can be however because all this program does is read netcdf files and display their contents but I don't see how
it could do that without the netcdf dll.  Weird!

Any ideas?

Matthew Hanna

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