Re: " not a NETcdf file "

Anne Leroy a écrit :

Hello everybody,
I'm using pv-wave (hdf4-01) to create netcdf file. I can properly write files and read the files I created. But when I use the ncdump command on a file I created, I get the message error : " not a NETcdf file ". What did I do wrong ?
  Anne Leroy.

PV-Wave reads Netcdf and HDF files but on writing always embed netcdf data/metadata in hdf. Ncdump (and all utilities built on pure netcdf) sees only that it is not netcdf (and it is right). If you already want to create netcdf files from PV-Wave, you have to write a wrapper to the genuine netcdf library

Philippe Poilbarbe
CLS - Space Oceanography group

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