[netcdfgroup] relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32

Dear all,

I found an email with this object in the archive

pfg90 ncerr ncsfil_ , R_X86_64_PC32 , etc...

and it is about the same error I am receiving. I was not able to find
an answer to this email, so a solution for my problem. The output
during compilation is

mpif90 -r8 -fast -Mvect=sse -Minfo -mcmodel=medium -o ../../../bin/opa
model.o ../../../lib/oce/libopa.a  ../../../lib/libioipsl.a
-L/home/grieco/netcdf/lib/ -lnetcdf
/home/grieco/netcdf/lib//libnetcdf.a(netcdf.o)(.text+0xbe5): In
function `netcdf_nf90_put_att_one_onebyteint_':
/home/grieco/netcdf-3.6.2/f90/netcdf.f90:97: relocation truncated to
fit: R_X86_64_PC32 .bss
relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32 .bss
/home/grieco/netcdf/lib//libnetcdf.a(netcdf.o)(.text+0xcc9): In
function `netcdf_nf90_get_att_one_onebyteint_':
/home/grieco/netcdf-3.6.2/f90/netcdf.f90:117: relocation truncated to
fit: R_X86_64_32 .bss
relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 .bss
/home/grieco/netcdf/lib//libnetcdf.a(netcdf.o)(.text+0xda6): In
function `netcdf_nf90_put_att_one_twobyteint_':
/home/grieco/netcdf-3.6.2/f90/netcdf.f90:137: relocation truncated to
fit: R_X86_64_PC32 .bss
relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32 .bss
/home/grieco/netcdf/lib//libnetcdf.a(netcdf.o)(.text+0xe89): In
function `netcdf_nf90_get_att_one_twobyteint_':
/home/grieco/netcdf-3.6.2/f90/netcdf.f90:157: relocation truncated to
fit: R_X86_64_32 .bss
relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 .bss
/home/grieco/netcdf/lib//libnetcdf.a(netcdf.o)(.text+0xf64): In
function `netcdf_nf90_put_att_one_fourbyteint_':
/home/grieco/netcdf-3.6.2/f90/netcdf.f90:177: relocation truncated to
fit: R_X86_64_PC32 .bss
relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32 .bss
/home/grieco/netcdf/lib//libnetcdf.a(netcdf.o)(.text+0x10c9): In
function `netcdf_nf90_get_att_one_fourbyteint_':
/home/grieco/netcdf-3.6.2/f90/netcdf.f90:201: additional relocation
overflows omitted from the output
make: *** [../../../bin/opa] Error 2

I tried also to compile the netcdf library with the option -fpic, as
suggested in another forum, but nothing happens.

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance.

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