[netcdfgroup] Calculating statistical parameters:Percentiles

Hi Henry Butowsky

I have read a message about Calculating medians, quartiles etc of a variable in a NetCDF file.

It said:

"Im a netcdf programmer -It may be possible to write a custom operatosr for nco tool "ncap2" that calculates quartiles"

I would like to know if you could give me some examples of how to create a custom operator or some indications to be sussces. May be it is too dificult and it would be better convert data to ASCII and after that write a program in fortran to calculate percentiles.

If I try to use ncap2,
Does it have its own language?
I just should install de package? and after that I would be able to use the language in a shell? Doesn t it?
I just know script language and fortran programming and a littel of C.

Thanks a lot

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