Re: [netcdfgroup] wanted: CSV to netcdf conversion utility

Hi Gordon,

The Ferret program ( can do this.  It's not
a "basic utility" -- rather a full analysis and visualization
application -- but with two commands it can do the conversion.  With
another couple of commands it can capture and use the column headings as
the variable names.  You can also go the next steps to create a proper
CF-conformant netCDF file by capturing one of the variable (typically
time or depth) as the netCDF "coordinate" variable of the file.

   - Steve


Gordon Keith wrote:
Is there a program available to convert CSV files to netcdf format?

We are finding netcdf a useful format for accessing data and it would be good
to be able to convert data that arrives in CSV (Comma Separated Variable)
format to basic netcdf files.

I'm thinking a basic utility that reads a CSV file, uses the first row as
variable names, uses the second row to determine data types, and puts the
data from the file into a CSV file. It occurs to me that such a utility
shouldn't be too hard to write, so someone has probably done it.



Gordon Keith
Programmer/Data Analyst
Marine Acoustics
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research

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