[netcdfgroup] IDL and MATLAB - reading Classic NetCDF Data Model

NCAR/EOL/CDS is interested in using the compression features of
NetCDF-4 with the Classic NetCDF Data Model so our users could
potentially use third party tools to process our data.  (Using
compression requires the data to be stored in netCDF-4/HDF5 format,
even if the Classic NetCDF Data Model is used.)

1) Is it true that any program written with the netCDF3 API needs
minimal (no?) changes to read such a netCDF-4 compressed file, once
the application has been relinked with the netCDF-4 library?

2) Can anyone tell me if programming languages like IDL or MATLAB have
been linked with the netCDF-4 library?  (I suspect not, but I haven't
been able to determine this by running 'nm' or 'ldd').

3) Has anyone heard discussions about IDL supporting netCDF-4 or using
HDF5 1.8.1?

4) Has anyone heard discussions about MATLAB supporting netCDF-4 or
using HDF5 1.8.1?

5) What's the "market penetration" of netCDF-4?  Does anyone have a
feel for how many netCDF-3 users have at least relinked with the
netCDF-4/HDF5 libraries, even if they aren't using the more advanced
netCDF-4 features, like groups?

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