Re: [netcdfgroup] IDL and MATLAB - reading Classic NetCDF Data Model

On Thursday 12 March 2009 01:09, Russ Rew wrote:

> > 4) Has anyone heard discussions about MATLAB supporting netCDF-4 or
> > using HDF5 1.8.1?
> We would also be interested in any information about updates to MATLAB
> plug-ins to support netCDF-4 or MathWorks plans for netCDF-4 support,
> especially the classic model support that only requires relinking.

Our R2009a release (out just this past week) bumped up our support for HDF5 to
1.8.1.  Support for netCDF-4 is a bit more complicated...  The R2009a release
still only implements an interface for the netcdf-3 library, but since we
have HDF5 1.8.1 now, one can use that to read just about any netCDF-4 file,
not just those with the classic model.

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