[netcdfgroup] nf90_put_var doesn't write data into file.

Dear all,

I'm trying to write 4-d data (longitude, latitude, level, time) into an "nc"
file, but I only got the description header of the variable, no real data
were written.  The structure of my code is:

main program
   call sub_def_file(chk_ncid, varid)
   call write_nc(chk_ncid, varid)
end main program

write_nc.f90 is like this:
  count = (/nc_lon, nc_lat, nc_lev, 1, 1/)
  start = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /)
  call nc_check(nf90_put_var( &
                    chk_ncid,  &
                    nc_data_varid,  &
                    nc_data_out,  &
                    start=start,  &
                    count=count  &

The sub_def_file is like this:
         call nc_check (nf90_put_att(chk_ncid, varid(nc_i), VDESC,
!- End define mode.
        call nc_check( nf90_enddef(chk_ncid))
  end subroutine sub_def_file

Could you please find apparent mistakes in the code? Appreciate!
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