[netcdfgroup] Problems with netCDF files in IDL



I am having 2 separate problems with netCDF files in IDL.  This is with
"classic" netCDF files, using netCDF 3.6.2 in IDL 7.0 and 7.1.1.


1) On Linux when I write a large (but legal) netCDF file (typically
between 500MB and 3.9GB) it sometimes returns an error, "ncdf_varput
failed".  The file is the correct size, and is almost OK, but there is
typically a small amount of the data in the middle of the file that is
not written correctly.  Doing the identical operation again it will
usually succeed; the failure appears to be random.  This is a legal
netCDF file because even when the array variable is greater than 2GB it
is the only variable in the file.  But I often get the error even when
the variable is only 500MB.  The ncdf_varput is being done as a single
large write, writing the entire variable to the file at once.


2) On Windows 7 with 64-bit IDL when reading a netCDF file with a
variable larger than 2GB does not work.  There is no error returned, and
the first 2GB of data in the returned array is fine, but the data past
2GB in the array is garbage.  These files read fine on 64-bit IDL on
Linux, the problem is confined to Windows.


I was observing these failures on IDL 7.0.  To see if they might perhaps
be fixed in the latest version of IDL I installed IDL 7.1.1 on Linux and
Windows today.


Unfortunately both of these problems persist, they are not fixed.


Has anyone seem similar problems, and have any idea how to fix them?  I
have reported them to ITT Vis.




Mark Rivers

University of Chicago


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