[netcdfgroup] Sun Studio compiler on GNU/Linux

Hi folks...

it's me again with a Sun-compiler-related topic. I want to debug issues I have 
with the compiler (flatly makes my OpenMP code crash:-( ) on Solaris by 
building my stuff using Sun Studio 12.1 on a GNU/Linux system, just to see if 
there is a difference.
Now, NetCDF does not like this combination of compiler / operating system 
apparently. The 4.1-beta2 snapshot as well as the 4.0.1 release give me:

"cfortran.h:", line 138: #error: "cfortran.h: Can't find your environment 
among: ..."

So there is some hardcoding of compiler / system variants in NetCDF that is 
broken by the combination of Sun Studio 12.1 and GNU/Linux I have here. I found 
traces on the net that people managed to build NetCDF on such a setup though... 
but no definitive info on how they achieved that.
Is there someone on the list who did this already? Perhaps I just miss some env 

Alrighty then,


Dipl. Phys. Thomas Orgis
Atmospheric Modelling
Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research

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