Re: [netcdfgroup] release of version 4.1.1 of netCDF C/Fortran/C++ libraries and utilities

On 04/09/2010 02:09 AM, Thomas Orgis wrote:
Am Thu, 08 Apr 2010 13:19:46 -0600
schrieb Ed Hartnett<ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

     * A new nc-config script to help users build netCDF programs
without having to deduce all the needed compiler options.

I have an issue with nc-config ... it contains too many flags. Example:

I build NetCDF with FFLAGS="-O -g -M/prefix/include" (since I have figured out 
to need the -M for using Fortran with this compiler) ... then, the resulting nc-config 
will return this:

shell$ nc-config --fflags
-O -g -M/prefix/include -M/prefix/include

So it packs my FFLAGS in front and adds the -M path for the module. What I 
expect from such a tool is that it _only_ adds the -M part (or -I for GNU 
compiler). Not only is it redundant to have my optimizations specified twice 
when including $(nc-config --fflags) into my FFLAGS, it can actually cause 
conflicts with other (optimization) flags I choose.
Is there a special reason why all of FFLAGS from the build is included in 
I am aware of at least one compiler (I think it was open64) that, given some 
advanced optimization flags, produces libraries that are incompatible with 
programs built with more conservative flags. But that is a rare case and should 
rather be considered a bug in the compiler... or a special option for crazy 
people that should at least make sure they build everything with one set of 

Alrighty then,


I agree that they should not be present, as with cflags:

cflags=" -I${includedir}"
fflags="@FFLAGS@ @MOD_FLAG@${includedir}"

Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
NWRA/CoRA Division                    FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                  orion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boulder, CO 80301    

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