[netcdfgroup] anyone using these netcdf functions: nc_inq_base_pe/nc_set_base_pe

Howdy all! 

The netcdf man page has this to say:

Additional functions for use on SGI/Cray MPP machines (_CRAYMPP). These
are used to set and inquire which PE is the base for MPP for a
particular netCDF. These are only relevant when using the SGI/Cray
''global'' Flexible File I/O layer and desire to have only a subset of
PEs to open the specific netCDF file. For technical reasons, these
functions are available on all platforms. On a platform other than
SGI/Cray MPP, it is as if only processor available were processor 0.

Does anyone actually use these pe functions?

If so, please let me know, because I would like to remove them from the
API if possible.


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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