Re: [netcdfgroup] libnetcdf 4.0.0 and 4.1.1 read speed

Hi, Denis --
Additional follow up questions ...
What did your ncks command look like -- i.e. what part of the file did you 'convert'?
Did any part of the ncdump output change after you ran ncks?
Are you opening the file with sdfopen or are you using a descriptor file with templating?

On Aug 5, 2010, at 6:15 PM, Russ Rew wrote:

Hi Denis,

I have compiled grads with netcdf 4.1.1 lately.

When I read a file created from netcdf 4.0.0 it takes more than  5
seconds to open.
When I read the same file converted by ncks using netcdf 4.1.1,  it
opens almost instantaneously.

Deflation and chunking are the same in both files.  Same 'grads'
software opening each file (compiled with 4.1.1).
Is there something in netcdf.4.1.1 library that makes the file being
read much quicker than when files are created with netcdf 4.0.0 library?

I don't think so. Could you make example files available so we can try
to understand what's going on?


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