Re: [netcdfgroup] Type conversion when writing netCDF

  • To: Jennifer Adams <jma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] Type conversion when writing netCDF
  • From: Ed Hartnett <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 09:53:50 -0700
Jennifer Adams <jma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> My nc_put_vara_double() call writes the entire array at once; in this
> case, it sounds like the library does more or less the same thing as my
> algorithm outlined in the original message. 
> Breaking up the write into pieces would probably be a performance hit, and
> would make my code a bit more complicated, since deciding if splitting is
> necessary and how many splits to make is highly system dependent. 
> I guess I will have to live with being a memory hog -- if I document this
> feature, then it becomes the user's problem, not mine. But it seems to me
> that it is still better to let the library do the type conversion. Will
> the library return a meaningful error if it is unable to allocate the
> required memory? Have I overlooked any other costs/benefits? 
> --Jennifer

These difficulties have been grappled with by Russ in nccopy, which
copies arbitrarily sized variables on any machine.

The error NC_ENOMEM (-61) is returned when netCDF runs out of memory.


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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