Re: [netcdfgroup] 2 questions on make install

Arlindo da Silva <moraes.dasilva@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I am very glad you are taking this on. ¿I maintain one of the GrADS win32
> builds and have been building netcd-4 on cygwin for several years now. I
> am glad to report that the full netcdf-4 builds works flawlessly on
> cygwin. Would you consider adding¿
> ¿ï½ ¿
> ¿ï½ ¿ ¿ --enable-dap¿
> to your configure? Also, enabling HDF-4 will make your build very useful
> as one would be able to transparently read HDF-4 files. The option in this
> case is:¿
> ¿ï½ ¿ ¿ --enable-hdf4
> (although this last option is not necessary for GrADS). When building
> hdf-4 it is useful to specify
> ¿ï½ --disable-netcdf
> (or at least have a version of the library with this option.) Having a
> full build would allow the full power of NetCDF-4 to be enjoyed on Windows
> as well. This is very important given the plethora of file formats one has
> to contend with these days.
> ¿ï½Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help
> with.
> ¿ï½Arlindo
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> [3]dasilva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Howdy Arlindo!

The opendap client will be built on cygwin after the 4.1.2 release.

HDF4 is more problematic, but I will build it in if I can find or build
the HDF4 DLLs.



Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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