[netcdfgroup] why does nf-config --fflags include -g


I use nf-config (nc-config) in my Makefiles to properly compile and
build programs needing NetCDF:

Rules.make:INCDIRS         += $(shell nc-config --fflags)
Rules.make:NETCDFLIB       =  $(shell nc-config --flibs)

I've just realized that:
nc-config --fflags
-g -I/opt/netcdf-4.1.3_IFORT/include

How do I avoid the -g? I'm pretty sure I did not specify -g during the
compilation of the NetCDF libraries.


Karsten Bolding                    Bolding & Burchard ApS
Strandgyden 25                     Phone: +45 64422058
DK-5466 Asperup                    Fax:   +45 64422068
Denmark                            Email: karsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Q: What is irony?
A: Almost the same as goldy and bronzy - just made of iron ...
(from Blackadder)

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