Re: [netcdfgroup] HDF5-1.8.8

Hi Roy,

> HDF5-1.8.8 has been announced.  Is this a recommended change for netcdf?
> Does the most recent library work with it?

We've tested on a Fedora 16 platform and verified that HDF5-1.8.8 works
fine with both netCDF-4.1.3 and with the current snapshot release, which
will soon be a beta release of netCDF-4.2.  However, we haven't tested
with HDF5-1.8.8 on other platforms yet.

When netCDF-4.2 is released, we'll recommend building it with the most
recent HDF5-1.8.x version (unless you build with --disable-netcdf-4, in
which case you won't need HDF5).


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