[netcdfgroup] Netcdf-4.2 nc_inq_ncid behavior for a group is incorrect for Netcdf-3 files

We currently use the "group" feature in our latest file format.  When we
read older files (based on Netcdf-3), we discovered that NC3_inq_ncid always
returns the file ID as the group ID.  We expected the function to return an
error, indicating the "group" was not found (similar to the behavior of


I suggest the function have the following behavior:


If name corresponds to the root id (i.e. is blank or "/") then the function
should behave as it currently does returning NC_NOERR, since that would be a
valid call even for version 3 files.  Otherwise, the function should return
an error condition.


Best Regards,

Roy Dennington

Semichem, Inc.

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