[netcdfgroup] writing netcdf by f77

Dear Folks,
I am a newbie in netcdf, even in fortran77 programming. 
I try to make a netcdf file in f77 to support my Phd research. 
I modify an example f77 program as describe below:

      program convert_U1M_netcdf
      implicit none
      include '/home/endros/netcdf/include/netcdf.inc'

C     This is the name of the data file we will create.
      character*(*) FILE_NAME
      parameter (FILE_NAME = 'home/endros/U1MP1d_MTH.nc')
      integer ncid

C     We are writing data, .....
C     timesteps of data.
      integer NDIMS, NRECS
      parameter (NDIMS = 3)
      integer NLATS, NLONS
      parameter (NLATS = 620, NLONS = 866, NRECS = 120)
      character*(*) LAT_NAME, LON_NAME, REC_NAME
      parameter (LAT_NAME = 'y', LON_NAME = 'x')
      parameter (REC_NAME = 'time')
      integer lon_dimid, lat_dimid, lvl_dimid, rec_dimid, nrec_dimid

C     The start and count arrays will tell the netCDF library where to
C     write our data.
      integer start(NDIMS), count(NDIMS)

C     These program variables hold the latitudes and longitudes.
      real lats(NLATS), lons(NLONS), day(NRECS)
      integer lon_varid, lat_varid, lvl_varid, rec_varid

C     We will create two netCDF variables, one each for temperature and
C     pressure fields.
      character*(*) ECM_NAME, NREC_NAME
      parameter (ECM_NAME='ssu')
      parameter (NREC_NAME='day')
      integer ecm_varid, nrec_varid
      integer dimids(NDIMS)

C     We recommend that each variable carry a "units" attribute.
      character*(*) UNITS
      parameter (UNITS = 'units')
      parameter (LAT_UNITS = 'degrees_north')
      parameter (LON_UNITS = 'degrees_east')
      character cyears*4, cmonths*2, cdays*2

C     Program variables to hold the data we will write out. 
      real ecm_out(NLONS, NLATS)

C     Use these to construct some latitude and longitude data for this
C     example.
      parameter (START_LAT = 10.42, START_LON = 107.92)
      parameter (START_DAY = 1)

C     Loop indices.
      integer rc, lat, lon, rec,iyy,isyy,ieyy,imm,i,j,tss,nrec

C     Error handling.
      integer retval

C     Create pretend data. If this wasn't an example program, we would
C     have some real data to write, for example, model output.
      do lat = 1, NLATS
         lats(lat) = START_LAT + (lat - 1) * (1/111.12)
      end do
      do lon = 1, NLONS
         lons(lon) = START_LON + (lon - 1) * (1/111.12)
      end do

      do rc = 1, NRECS
         day(rc) = START_DAY + (rc - 1) 
      end do

C     Create the file. 
      retval = nf_create(FILE_NAME, nf_clobber, ncid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

C     Define the dimensions. 
      retval = nf_def_dim(ncid, LAT_NAME, NLATS, lat_dimid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
      retval = nf_def_dim(ncid, LON_NAME, NLONS, lon_dimid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
      retval = nf_def_dim(ncid, REC_NAME, NRECS, rec_dimid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

C     Define the coordinate variables. 

      retval = nf_def_var(ncid, LAT_NAME, NF_DOUBLE, 1, lat_dimid, 
     +     lat_varid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
      retval = nf_def_var(ncid, LON_NAME, NF_DOUBLE, 1, lon_dimid, 
     +     lon_varid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

C     Assign units attributes to coordinate variables.
      retval = nf_put_att_text(ncid, lat_varid, UNITS, len(LAT_UNITS), 
     +     LAT_UNITS)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
      retval = nf_put_att_text(ncid, lon_varid, UNITS, len(LON_UNITS), 
     +     LON_UNITS)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

C     The dimids array is used to pass the dimids of the dimensions of
C     the netCDF variables. 
      dimids(1) = lon_dimid
      dimids(2) = lat_dimid
      dimids(3) = rec_dimid

C     Define the netCDF variables for the pressure and temperature data.
      retval = nf_def_var(ncid, ECM_NAME, NF_DOUBLE, NDIMS, dimids, 
     +     ecm_varid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

      retval = nf_def_var(ncid, NREC_NAME, NF_DOUBLE, NDIMS, dimids, 
     +     nrec_varid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

C     Assign units attributes to the netCDF variables.
      retval = nf_put_att_text(ncid, ecm_varid, UNITS, len(ECM_UNITS), 
     +     ECM_UNITS)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

      retval = nf_put_att_text(ncid, nrec_varid, UNITS, len(NREC_UNITS), 
     +     NREC_UNITS)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

C     End define mode.
      retval = nf_enddef(ncid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

C     Write the coordinate variable data. 
      retval = nf_put_var_real(ncid, lat_varid, lats)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
      retval = nf_put_var_real(ncid, lon_varid, lons)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)

C     These settings tell netcdf to write one timestep of data. 
      count(1) = NLONS
      count(2) = NLATS
      count(3) = 1
      start(1) = 1
      start(2) = 1
C     Write the pretend data. 
c----collect variable output in (i,j)--------------
      do 9000 iyy=isyy,ieyy
         do 8900 imm=1,12
            write(cyears,'(i4.4)') iyy
            write(cmonths,'(i2.2)') imm
            print *,'proc: mo-',cmonths,'yr-',cyears

     &           //'/U1M_'
     &           //cyears//cmonths//'.dat'
     &           ,form='unformatted'
     &           ,access='direct'
     &           ,recl=NLONS*NLATS)
            read(45,rec=1) ((ecm_out(i,j),i=1,NLONS),j=1,NLATS)

      print *, 'start saving netcdf...wait...!!!'

      do rec=1,NRECS
         start(3) = rec
         retval = nf_put_vara_real(ncid, ecm_varid, start, count, 
     +        ecm_out)
         if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
 8900    enddo 
 9000 enddo

C     Close the file. 
      retval = nf_close(ncid)
      if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
      print *,'*** SUCCESS writing .....: ', FILE_NAME, '!'

      subroutine handle_err(errcode)
      implicit none
      include '/home/endros/netcdf/include/netcdf.inc'
      integer errcode

      print *, 'Error: ', nf_strerror(errcode)
      stop 2

Actually, this works well and I got a nc file. After I check the header

$ncdump -h U1MP1d_MTH.nc

netcdf U1MP1d_MTH {
        y = 620 ;
        x = 866 ;
        time = 120 ;

        double y(y) ;
                y:units = "degrees_north" ;
        double x(x) ;
                x:units = "degrees_east" ;
        double ssu(time, y, x) ;
                ssu:units = "days" ;
        double *day(time, y, x)* ;
                day:units = "mths" ;

--->> a question is how to modify the above program in which I will get the
variable "day" is only depend on "time". I want to make  *"day(time)"* only.

Sorry, My english limited that why i cannot really understand the example
f77 program.

Any helps and clues. I am really apreciate it.

Phd Student, Japan

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