[netcdfgroup] NF90_SYNC question

I've got a -- possibly ill posed -- question about the NF90_SYNC command:
does calling it append new data to the already existing file (in the same
way that a few more 'write(1,*)'s would) and modify a few existing things,
or does it rewrite the file from scratch? Does it do any/much reading in
the process?

I'm using a netCDF-4/HDF5 file with compression.

I'm using HTCondor <http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/>'s standard
universe, which effectively captures all file input/output and redirects it
over a network. Although my code only produces ~100MB of new data per day,
I'm told that the resulting network usage is dangerously high. The program
calls NF90_SYNC every 5 minutes, so I'm wondering if that could be
the culprit. (i.e. if it's doing a lot of reading/writing in the process.)

(Also, I just want to confirm that the NF90_SHARE flag doesn't work for
netCDF-4/HDF5 files. The NF90_SYNC
recommends using
the flag, but doesn't mention netCDF-4/HDF5file incompatibility; mentioning
the incompatibility is saved for the NF90_CREATE

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