Re: [netcdfgroup] Subsetting data with C++ API calls


I agree with the comments made in this email conversation. However, it may be useful to understand the motivation for implementing a specific C++ API. These are essentially that the use of it in a C++ code should appear simpler and be more robust than the C API. This is achieved by
 (i) use of parametric polymorphisms (C++ templates functions)
 (ii) encapsulation (existence of private data).
(iii) error handling: the presence of an error automatically "throws" an error. There is extensive consistency checking within the API. (iv) inheritance (this relates classes with similiar "traits", eg NcFile and NcGroup; also NcType, NcVLen, Nc EnumType etc).

The use of complicated user-defined types in the exisiting C-API can be difficult, particularly if you do not know the sizes of elements at compile time. This is because you need to deal with offsets and alignment issues of the data components. I have implemented a C++ API that can handle this for user-defined types of arbitrary complexity. I intended to release this 15months ago, but unfortunately
it has been delayed due to a a bug, we think in the HDF5 layer.

Lynton Appel

On 03/04/2013 12:18 AM, Lynnes, Christopher S. (GSFC-6102) wrote:
   I can't help thinking that the C++ library you are using seems a little more 
brittle than the C route at this phase in its evolution.  Have you considered 
making calls to the C API from your C++ call?  THe methods for extracting 
subsets of variables are quite clear in the C API...

On Mar 3, 2013, at 4:34 PM, Taylor Binnington<tbinnington@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:


I'm attempting to read only certain parts (specific indices of specific 
variable arrays), remotely, from a MERRA HDFEOS file.

I've recently upgraded to NetCDF, using Lynton's C++ library. At first, 
I was using trying to subset the data directly from an OPeNDAP URL supplied to 
NcFile, but it's been suggested to me, by an earlier post in the OPeNDAP 
forums, that this is not a good way to go. Instead, I should use NetCDF API 

I have carefully read through the C++ interface guide, including this example:

but am struggling to understand how to do this. A push in the right direction 
would be very appreciated. The example (I don't fully understand it, but was 
trying to emulate some of the example that I linked above)

int main() {
NcGroup grouptest(dataFile.addGroup("Dataset"));

gives me the error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'netCDF::exceptions::NcNotNc4'
   what():  NcNotNc4: Attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file.
file: ncGroup.cpp  line:265

This is not surprising, since the file is not a NetCDF-3 file.

Thank you in advance.

Taylor Binnington
e. tbinnington@xxxxxxxxx

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