[netcdfgroup] (NCEP) BUFR to netCDF: Multiple Subsets?


I am working on some code to convert BUFR (the NCEP flavor) observation files to netCDF. The NCEP BUFR files that we archive contain multiple subsets. For example, the "adpsfc" file that we ingest can contain any of the following (from bufrtab.000):

| MNEMONIC | NUMBER | DESCRIPTION                                              |
|          |        |                                                          |
| NC000000 | A51001 | MSG TYPE 000-000 SYNOPTIC-LAND, RESTRICTED (WMO RES 40)  |
| NC000001 | A63200 | MSG TYPE 000-001 SYNOPTIC - FIXED LAND                   |
| NC000002 | A61192 | MSG TYPE 000-002 SYNOPTIC - MOBIL LAND                   |
| NC000007 | A63206 | MSG TYPE 000-007 AVIATION - METAR / SPECI                |
| NC000008 | A63247 | MSG TYPE 000-008 NPN AND MAP PROFILER SURFACE            |
| NC000010 | A56100 | MSG TYPE 000-010 PRODUCTS (SHEF) NOT IN ANY OTHER TANK   |
| NC000011 | A63214 | MSG TYPE 000-011 AFOS PRODUCTS (PRECIP) (SHEF)           |

And usually multiple records ("subsets") are available for any one of the mnemonics listed above. While many of the subsets in a particular group share common parameters, there are also parameters that are unique to a mnemonic.

I believe I can handle mimicking the BUFR format (multiple subsets per file) using netCDF "groups". Am I correct that groups are only available with netCDF-4? I'm concerned that this would limit user access, if this is the case. We have many uses world wide and I have no idea what the distribution of users are that can handle netCDF-4.

Is there a way to push multiple subsets into a single netCDF-3 file? If not, that is fine and I can accept creating one netCDF file per subset if need be. I'm just asking about the technical possibility.

Many thanks!


Kevin Manross
NCAR/CISL/Data Support Section
Phone: (303)-497-1218
Email:manross@xxxxxxxx <mailto:manross@xxxxxxxx>
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