[netcdfgroup] NetCDF-4 filesize question.

Hello group,

I am doing some NetCDF-4 test, and find when I use fixed, and unlimited 
dimensions cause file size
changed dramatically.

Below is a list of files (with dimension 5 x 10 x 73 x 144, with few group 

1. has one unlimited dimension (the most left one)
2. has two unlimited dimensions (the left two)
3. has fixed dimensions.

-rw-r--r--   1 huangwei  CIT\Domain Users   6312828 Apr 14 15:25 
-rw-r--r--   1 huangwei  CIT\Domain Users  10508612 Apr 14 15:24 
-rw-r--r--   1 huangwei  CIT\Domain Users   2112758 Apr 14 15:26 

My question is: does our program (has issues which) cause the file size 
or, is it NetCDF4 which needs the extra space (for unlimited dimension)?


Wei Huang
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